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Chiropractic Treatment and Pregnancy

By July 11, 2015February 9th, 2016Blog, Pregnancy

Chanhassen_pregnancy_doctorDid you ever consider chiropractic care while pregnant? Dr. Ben Knight is your Chanhassen pregnancy doctor who can help provide relief before, during and after pregnancy.

If you would like to have a safe, natural, and easy delivery, it’s important to take good care of your body and all of its systems. You’ve probably heard horror stories from other women who’ve gone through severe suffering while pregnant, with stories of intense cramping and vomiting. That doesn’t have to be your story.

As a Chanhassen pregnancy doctor, Dr. Knight is able to use hands-on manipulation to adjust a woman’s spine so it’s in alignment and not causing pain or problems. Since pregnancy brings weight gain, a woman’s spine typically has added stress which can result in their spine going out of alignment. After all, they have to deal with a protruding abdomen, increased back curve, and changes in posture. Regular visits to the chiropractor can keep the spine in its correct position during the pregnancy. It’s also a good idea to get chiropractic care during pregnancy to prevent sciatica and to maintain pelvic balance.

If and when the pelvis is misaligned, a breech birth might result, whereas the baby exits the pelvis with the buttocks or feet first as opposed to the normal head-first presentation. This complicates things and may lead to having a c-section. Under Dr. Knight’s care, pelvic balance and alignment can be done to encourage the baby into the best possible position for delivery for a natural, non-invasive birth.

Dr. Knight, your caring Chanhassen pregnancy doctor, can help you maintain a healthy pregnancy. His chiropractic adjustments help control symptoms of nausea, relieve back, neck and/or joint pain, reduce the time of labor and delivery, and help prevent a potential cesarean delivery.

Abundant Life Chiropractic Health Center is the place to be when you’re pregnant and want help making it as painless as possible. Call 952-300-8338 to make an appointment today with our Chanhassen pregnancy doctor.